First post in a while

Published September 9, 2015 by dcospermsu

I have not posted in nearly two years. I originally conceived this blog as a personal narrative to talk about my experiences living in Michigan. I am changing my focus to use this blog as a posting site for articles and thoughts on writing and business communication. Those posts will start this week.

My favorite assignment for technical writing–the Application Packet

Published October 25, 2013 by dcospermsu

a real world (and approaching fast) need for technical writing

Application Packet
MGT 3213, Cosper
Summer I 2012

DUE:  In 302-N McCool Hall, by 4:30 p.m., Friday, June 23. You MUST submit all pieces in a SINGLE folder or envelope.

All items should be completed in a professional manner and typed or designed in a word processing or desktop publishing program. Remember, the appearance of your application materials can get you an interview.

1.  Job Posting

Find one for which you that you would be qualified for upon graduation.  This must be a real position that you might apply for upon graduation.  When looking for a posting, check trade journals, newspaper classifieds, company web sites, professional organizations, and web-based job search engines, such as  Refer to pages 471-476 in your textbook for additional information. You must provide a copy of the job posting and tell where you found it.

15 points__________

2.  Cover/Application Letter or Email (if you choose email, please email the message to yourself and print it out)

This should be written specifically for the job posting found for Item 1.  Refer to pages 502-512 in the textbook for additional guidance.  Also see pages 19-20 in The Career Center Handbook you received in class at the beginning of the semester… Your letter must present your qualifications in the first paragraph and expand on those qualifications in the rest of the message. You also will be graded on using standard letter (or email) formatting for your message.

40 points___________

3.  Resume

Write your resume as if you are applying for the job in Item 1.  Use the chronological format on page 491 in your textbook as your guideline.  Also see the examples on pages 6-18 in the MSU Career Center Handbook.

40 points ___________

4.  Five Potential Interview Questions and Your Responses to those Questions

These should be in-depth questions that a potential employer might ask you during an interview.  You will also need to provide an appropriate well-thought out response to each question.  Your answers will require more than one sentence.  Refer to pages 531-536 in the textbook and pages 26-28 in the MSU Career Center Handbook.

35 points ____________

4.  Three Questions for You to Ask A Potential Employer

These questions should show you researched the company.  Refer to pages 537-538 in the textbook and page 29 in the MSU Career Center Handbook for examples of questions.  At least one question should relate specifically to the position you are interested in or to company offering it.

30 points _____________

5.  Thank you letter regarding the interview.

Refer to pages 540-542 in the textbook and page 19 in the booklet.

30 points _____________

6.  Registration with the MSU Career Center

You must upload your resume to the Career Center web site and complete the information profile for full credit.  Guidelines for uploading are located in the inside front cover of the booklet.  The status of your registration, profile, and uploaded resume will be provided by the Career Center.

10 points _________

TOTAL (out of 200) ________________

A Southerner in the Great White North

Published August 29, 2013 by dcospermsu


Six weeks ago, I started my newest life adventure by moving from Mississippi, where I have lived most of my life, to Big Rapids, Michigan, in what will soon enough be the Great White North.  My husband, Chris, and I are both teaching at Ferris State University, he in architecture and I in languages and literature. While the weather right now is marvelous, we know the cold is coming. I am looking forward to a cool fall, but I am not certain what to expect when the snow begins. More on that later.

Because we came from Starkville, Mississippi, a relatively small university town, small town life has not surprised us. The residents have been nice, and I have received many comments about my Southern accent, including, “Where are you from? I just LOVE your accent!”

Currently, I split my time between teaching at Ferris and taking care of two boys (teen and tween) and my husband. I love eating sushi, cooking, practicing yoga, and reading contemporary fiction. While we are still looking for a church home in Big Rapids, I hope to be active in one soon. Next week, I am joining a ladies choral group from Mecosta County called Voca Lyrica. I hope the group is as interesting as it sounds.

I am funny, loyal, outgoing, and smart. I love my friends and my family beyond measure. My life is a precious gift, and while many days may find me frustrated and overwhelmed, I continue to do what I know I should and to look for good in the next day. With me, what you see is what you get. You will never wonder where you stand.

I have discovered a quality about myself recently, and I have said it this way, “I am nothing if not resilient.” Moving to Michigan is simply another life change to get used to. We are missing family and friends, but we are excited to meet new people and be involved in new activities.